Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Getting back to God

Hey all, I don't know if anyone reads this thing. I mean, it's possible but I don't know if it is very likely. But anyways, I will continue for myself and for those who may someday stumble on this if they don't read now.

There has been a lot of changes going on in my life right now. Things are difficult, yet right. One of the things that I think I really got away from was concentrating on God. I let my attention drift from the things of God to the things of this world in a very unbalanced way. And I kind of need to get back to Him. I NEED to get back to Him. It is so easy for me to get distracted and sidetracked. I need to be close to Him.

Have you ever found in your life a time where it was so incredibly difficult to keep seeking God in an interested way? I have. I can always push myself, but what about really wanting to? Lately I have been feeling the urge to really want to seek Him. I feel the pull on my heart. I tell Him my problems and feel His peace. I want to be back in that love relationship with Him. It is so hard, but I must.

Lord, please help me to get back to You. Help me to see You in ways that I haven't for quite some time. I can only wish Lord that You would come and let me feel You holding me now. Please guide me back into Your arms and keep me from evil Lord. Show me the way, that I ma walk in it. Lord, please help. I am Yours... Take me. Please take me in Your arms.

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