There are many different things that I am interested in. For instance, I reaaaally have a passion for doing things on the computer. I'm not talking about just video games or surfing the web, I mean serious programming/editing stuff. I love that kind of stuff. It is a "thirst" within my soul to do that. Also I know that I need to be doing music. Once I am in the midst of playing music, it becomes an overwhelming passion. God also is another passion, to follow Him and to be close. (even though sometimes it doesn't come first...eeep. It should.) Thing is, I have all these interests and a desire to seek after God. So, what should I do?
I know I am called to music and singing. I know that. But computer stuff... I almost feel as if I am going back to the stuff that I wanted to do before I ever got involved in music. Well, the desire I had back then is still in me.... does that make it a bad desire? I don't know. I love programming/editing/repairing etc. on computers as well as doing stuff with music. It's a deep rooted passion. I could almost say that God has given me a gift with computers too. Should I develop it or should i concentrate mostly on music?
It sounds as if maybe I should mostly concentrate on music and if I have free time, do stuff with computers. Or maybe I should def try to make time for both? ah... lots of questions. Few answers. What do you guys think?I guess the bottom line should be to just try to find out what God wants and go for it. I want to do what He wants me to do... but sometimes it can be so hard to understand where He is pointing... whether or not the push you feel in you is you... or God. Know what I mean? ~sigh~
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