Step by Step
I don't know about anyone else out there, but I have a big desire in my heart to do great things... big things. It's not about getting an ego trip or anything. It's because I want to be able to look back on my life and see that I actually did something, that I actually made a difference. I know that the biggest difference that I can make is whatever God has for me. And yes, I know that even the small things can make big differences that we might not even see, but still. I have this desire to see that I did something that made a difference... that I wasn't just another passerby in this life. I want to dream big and impact lives... but where I am seems to be so discouraging. I find myself drifting in life, one day after another, just trying to make it for a little bit longer doing whatever I am at the moment. I don't want to live a life where nothing gets done... where my life is carried on monotonously by my inactivity. It's a flower with no seeds. It's nice... or maybe not... to look at for those nearby, but nothing comes of it. I want to bear fruit! I want to see God use me in great ways! But how do I find my way out of this slouching mess of lazy behavior?
I was thinking about this when the Holy Spirit brought this verse to my mind... haha paraphrased of course... but ... you have to be faithful in the small things before God will give you bigger things. If we are faithful in little, then we will be faithful in much. That, my friends, sticks out to me... not tomorrow or a few years from now... not in my past where I can't change it, but rather, here in the present. If I am faithful with the things He has given me to do right now, then He will bring me to the place where I will do "great things" for Him. They may not be something that I in my finite mind can see as great... but God knows what part in His plan I have. If I never find out what affect my life has on other people, I should be able to be content knowing that I made the biggest difference that I could... how? By following God's will for my life day by day... being faithful in the small and the big. That is how we accomplish great things, for all things that God does... including the "what we think is small" are great. Be encouraged, God can use you for great things ;)